Our last event before we go off on summer break, and we’re going to have some fun with it! This will be a virtual event like we’ve done with the camp-ins all year, but this time around we’re trying something a bit new, where we’re going to be doing a group baking event! All the scouts are going to get an opportunity to do a little baking, a bit of decorating, and a chance to show off their creations to all their fellow scouts. Ever see the TV show “Nailed It”? Like that, only scouts.
We’ll also be giving scouts a chance to do skits around our virtual campfire and end-of-year awards, so just generally a day full of fun!
WHERE: Your backyard/living room or anywhere you can set up a sleeping bag!
COST: As with previous events, none for members of the 7th Trailblazers, $15 per child for members of other groups.
ABOUT: Activities will be ongoing through the day on Saturday. We may break into groups for some sections but mostly we’re all going to be together for this one. Saturday night we will be hosting a group campfire where scouts will be able to present skits and give awards that have been earned! We will be doing porch dropoff of necessary supplies in the days preceding the event (scouts outside the Austin area will have supplies shipped to them).
FACILITIES: Indoor plumbing and electricity readily available.
AVAILABILITY: Registration now open, registration closes June 1st at 11:59PM.